Jun 8, 2013

20 proven techniques to increase email subscription

Email marketing is one of the most preferred methods adopted by web marketers. Also at the same time, it is true that you find your email marketing database degrading by about 25 percent every year. The reasons might be varied – it may be because your contact has changed his job, thus making his official email id offered for subscription invalid; or a designated email id he must be frequently using for filling up forms in websites must have been abandoned.

You have a tough job ahead as it requires you to constantly keep on adding fresh contacts to your email marketing campaigns so as to ensure that you can keep your graph on the rise. Here are a few of the proven techniques on how you can consistently build up and maintain that your list of email subscribers.
  1. Create unique and engaging content for your email that will inspire people to stay subscribed and even inspire them to forward it to their friends, family, and colleagues who perhaps aren’t there on your email list.
  2. Take initiative to promote an online contest like a free giveaway, early bird prizes, etc. and ensure a process that makes it obligatory for entrants to either sign up or submit their email address.
  3. You can also create an innovative lead generation offer like a free e-book or white paper that will require visitors to provide their email address in order to download it.
  4. Another way is to create a free, online tool or resource and have users sign up with their email address.
  5. It is a great idea to collect email addresses at offline events like trade shows and exhibition; and later import them into your database. But make sure to send these contacts a welcome email so as to confirm their acceptance to opt-in for your email subscription.
  6. Include social sharing buttons to your email and encourage your current email subscribers to share and forward your emails. Also add “Email to a Friend” button so their networks, friends, and colleagues can sign up for your list. Moreover, including a “Subscribe” link at the bottom of your emails is also a great way to increase email subscription.
  7. Another proven method is to create multiple email subscriptions types that you can use to send more targeted content to definite segments of your contacts based on specific interests. So, the benefit of creating multiple, targeted subscription types is that it improves the prospect of visitors subscribing to at least one of them.
  8. Another proven method to improve email subscription is to host an online webinar and collect email addresses at registration.
  9. You may also use your Facebook business page to promote an offer that calls for an email address submission. Besides that, you may also promote offers in your timeline and encourage your leads to ‘share’ and ‘like’ your offers on Facebook by adding a social sharing button on your landing pages and thank-you pages.
  10. Target collecting email addresses from fresh source by running a promotion on a partner or affiliate website.
  11. Unleash the Twitter edge to increase your email subscription by promoting one of your lead generation offers there. All you need to do is create a Twitter campaign (that requires an email address to redeem) to promote an offer like an e-book or a free resource for your Twitter ‘followers’.
  12. Add calls-to-action and URLs at the end of the videos of your company’s YouTube channel and encourage people to subscribe to your list. You may then include links to relevant landing pages in your videos’ text descriptions.
  13. Another innovative way to increase email subscription, slowing catching up amongst many companies is tocreate a Google AdWords email capture ad or simply influence paid search ads to link to a landing page with and email sign-up.
  14. Increase email subscription manifolds by promoting offers and email signup through your Google+ Business page by utilizing your Google+ updates and your Google+ About section.
  15. Another proven method for improving email subscription is to include appropriate call-to-action and link for readers in your author byline, when creating content for guest blogging opportunities – so as to subscribe to your site’s blog or email database.
  16. Does your website have great products on display and for sale? Well, consider adding a button saying “Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and stay informed about the deals discounts and freebies of the week”. Everyone loves discount sale and is a winning formula to increase email subscription.
  17. You need to tell people what they are missing. Be outgoing. Share or tweet on social media to encourage your followers to join your email subscription list. You may even share your incentive, some feedback or even teasers of emails.
  18. Subscribing via Comment box is a great way to increase email subscription. As a matter of fact, increasing conversions is all about reducing the number of steps between the visitor and your desired action. So, when a visitor enters his/her email address in a comment box, you may encourage the visitor to add a check mark to also subscribe to your newsletter, and improve the chances of conversions.
  19. Adopt innovative contest idea by teaming up with your service providers/businesses who serve the SAME target audience as you, but aren’t your competitors. For this technique to be most effective, you have to consider your partners carefully – in terms of your own positioning and audience match.
  20. Make sure to add link to Offers that capture email signups throughout your website; and keep your offer visible at strategic location like – the website’s homepage, the main page of your blog, ‘About Us’ page, and ‘Contact Us’ page, so as to ensure better conversion.

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