Jun 21, 2013

Hilarious technology ads from the 1980s

If you flip back to photos of your childhood, sometimes you'll wish that you hadn't. Perhaps your awkward haircuts and awkward poses weren't funny then, but they certainly are now.
These tech ads make you feel the same way. The gadgets are clunky, the text is cheesy, and the graphics are so 80s.
In 25 years, we may be talking about how archaic Apple's ads were. But until then, we can laugh at these print ads that touted the modern technology back in the day.
compuserve 1980s ad

apple mac ad 1980s

mimic systems 1980s ad

designware 1980s ad

parker brothers 1980s ad

apple computer ben franklin ad

charlie chaplin ibm 1980s ad

vintage 1980s email ad honeywell

texas instruments computer 1980s ad

chalkboard powerpad ad 1980s

TI home computer 1980s ad

commodore 1980s ad

sony walkman 1980s ad

amiga commodore 1980s ad
By: Mashable

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